Capturing the Ride: Embracing #Carspotting Adventures with the Camp Snap Camera
The Camp Snap Camera has found a permanent home in my handlebar bag! I try to get out on my bike as much as possible and for me, that might be a spare hour between work and night time routines, adding extra distance between running errands from the store, or picking up food. But my favorite way to spend a rare hour of no obligations is to hop on my bike in regular clothes and simply go for a ride.
One thing I have done to keep these rides fun and entertaining is Carspotting. Carspotting is a hobby I discovered on Instagram. It is like Birdwatching but instead of birds, you're finding and documenting rare, vintage, or interesting automobiles. If you're interested, I do have a Instagram dedicated to #carspotting photos I have taking over the years, @Walkingwithcars.

Why I am I so excited about the Camp Snap Camera? It has a lot of pluses. Well, size and price are two main ones. I also like the idea that it has no screen; so now I have the added excitement of seeing how the picture turned out when I get home and I am not wasting time trying to get the perfect shot. I am also not worried about it getting broken, damaged, or stolen. It is a little more challenging and a great way to experiment with a point and shoot camera.

Why not use your phone? Most of the #Carspotting pictures you will see on my Instagram have been taking with a Iphone or Fujifilm XT2. While the phone is always a go-to to snap a picture of something interesting, I find that on the bike it can be a significant distraction. I take a picture, then check notifications, then look at emails, and then its 10 minutes later without me realizing it. Also, I find it harder to operate while riding or wearing gloves and it's more delicate than a point and shoot.
The XT2 is a great camera, but it's rather bulky and pretty expensive.

So now, when I go on mini adventures on my bike I will make sure I have the very capable Camp Snap camera with me! I went with the Green just because it was a perfect match to my Mini Rando and Green Opinel.

"The best camera is the one in your hand". And make every ride an adventure and explore your local community. I have also found that when you take pictures of your bike it does ride better!

Yah, I see interesting vehicles while riding my bicycle much more from the “street level” than if I were driving or even walking. And if I pull up to an owner of one when he / she is maintaining or working on it in the driveway, they usually seem to be more welcoming and receptive to me on a vintage bike than if I walked up or drove up. Just an observation by me. I’ll assume that those pics from your Camp Snap camera were taken around the Philadelphia area? The row houses indicate such. Or might I be mistaken?
Great idea! I’ve been getting pics of vintage and unusual cars for a long time. I wish I had some pictures of the 1969 Saab 96 I had in college back in the early 80’s. I’ll go through my slide collection…
On the topic of pics of vintage transportation, I’ve noticed that you guys at VeloOrange are in the habit of using ‘vintage’ VO frames in shots on your website and emails. The Rando has a vintage vibe with rim brakes, I’m glad you’re keeping that slice of the riding space alive. I still love the Campeur I built in 2018.
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