Triples Are Great, Change My Mind

8 comments by Igor Shteynbuk

In the past little while, we've seen a genuine resurgence of interest in Triple Cranksets. While 1x systems dominate the cycling scene, there's a compelling case for the enduring appeal of triple setups and I thought it would be a good idea to talk triples, compatibility, and installation. Click here to watch the video!

Why Triple Cranksets? Our Triple Cranksets provide unmatched versatility for touring cyclists, offering a wide gear range to conquer diverse terrains.

Weight Advantage Contrary to common belief, our Triple Cranksets hold their own in the weight department, with the overall difference being within grams of a wide-range 1x. 

Gear Range and Practicality Triple systems excel in providing a lower gear for steep inclines and offer a more seamless cadence adjustment with smaller cog gaps.

Simplicity and Effectiveness While 1x systems boast simplicity, the emphasis on constant shifting may be overstated. Many riders find themselves primarily using the middle ring, operating as a 1x system with added flexibility to adapt to different terrain.


  • Igor

    @Sam, the crankset weighs 769 grams – this is both sides including the hardware.

    @Antoine, we use the ones on our website, good n cheap. Otherwise, Sram 9sp 11-32 or 36 does the trick!

  • Sam

    I’m curious if there’s a published weight for the Grand Cru Fluted Triple? The email for this post noted that they “hold their own in the weight department, with the overall difference being within grams of a wide-range 1x”, but I’d love to compare the weight to the Grand Cru Double, which has a weight listed on its product page.

  • Antoine

    Thanks for that great video. Which cassette(s) are you using on a typical, wide range 3 × 9 build?

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